Nov 20, 2012

點點心 - 美味的傳統與革新

朋友從國外來訪,一餐點心是少不了的。怕了旺角的人潮,但爲了吃得好,還是要來。本來打算去添好運,但12點45分到門口時,排隊拿籌要到下午三點半,實在太多人要等太久,唯有轉去附近的點點心。到門口只有很少人在等位,朋友一眼認出門口廣告版上的Anthony Burdain,再細看廣告内容,讓我充滿期待。很快有座,坐定發現身邊滿是講英文的海外食客,店家的點心紙也有英文和日文版本,也有人拿著單反拍照,看來遊客頗多。BTW,店内光線夠亮,想拍照的朋友無需帶閃光燈。







Nov 19, 2012

Mandarin Grill + Bar - Great by high value added!

It's been a while since last time had fine dinning with mom. I chose Mandarin Grill to have dinner with her and hopefully we both could have enjoyable mother and daughter time. Yes, we did.
We ordered soups and main courses. I wanted order desserts as well, but waiter suggested we might decide later. Thanks for the smart advice actually.
For starter, bread basket. There were several kinds of bread in figure size, salty and sweet, soft and semi-hard, even western and eastern style, many options including the sweet Japanese bread which is not common in Hong Kong's dinner table as a starter.
Lobster bisque for mom: Mom eats quite light usually. But I suggested her to try this lobster soup. Indeed, it's creamy, but still can taste the fresh chicken stock. There was lobster meat inside, not very little.
My mushroom soup was pure countryside style, both in presentation and flavor. The small mushrooms in the bottom of bowl was lovely, like grass growing on land. Together with baked grains on the plate out of the bowl, like you were having dinner in a countryside house. The mushroom soup looked very light but smelled and tasted very rich, probably porcini. Poured the soup into the bowl, mixed with mushrooms and grains, very nice. The ingredients were raw, but healthy and full of flavor.
Speaking of main courses, mom got sirloin and mine was spring lamb.
The sirloin was perfectly grilled, pink inside. Under glass surface holding the beef, there were hot wood to keep both temperature and smell, very thoughtful. Mom's satisfied although she prefers fully cooked meat like most old generation in the eastern world. I tried two bites as well. The meat was very tender, seasoned well too. There were some mushrooms and sauce aside,  you can add more flavor if you like.
side dish
The spring lamb was not grilled, like stewed. The waiter explained this to me when I was ordering it. I love lamb, no matter how you cook it, so it doesn't matter at all. The lamb was like a 紅燒蹄膀, but it's lamb leg. It was cooked with bone to get more flavor, and later waiter got the bone out when serving it.  I believe it had been stewed for a while. The meat was so soft and fat was melted into the meat. It's tender and juicy in the mouth, full of lamb flavor. Any lamb fan should be satisfied, like me. There were peas and potato ( looked like cheese) as well. Honestly, the size of lamb was really big, not much space for dishes aside.
side dish
Lastly, we had tea and coffee to finish the meal. No one was waiting for your table there. It's very relaxing to take some time to have a drink and chat, of course digusting the feast as well.
Mandarin always offers best service. The staff were nice and professional. Like before, they called me on the afternoon the confirm the reservation. They were very helpful by giving detailed introduction and suggestions during the dinner. Besides those good qualities, the high value added small dishes impressed me a lot.
First, there were five or six different olive oil choices for free bread. Apart from popular products from Italy and Spain, there's one from Morocco as well. The waitress elaborated us the region, flavor and specialties of each one. Moreover, you can choose multiples to dip bread. Really good olive oil tasting opportunity.
Second, plenty high quality free appetizers. Before serving the soup we ordered, there were three appetizers for free.
Pear shape jelly with foie gras: the foie fras was so smooth in the mouth, could fell the melting. It's good to have it with deep toasted bread perfectly caramelized by honey or maple syrup.
A ball covered by Parmesan: sorry I forgot what's stuffed inside the ball. Maybe I paid too much attention to the Parmesan cheese (sorry for my cheese mania) covering outside which looked like coconut shred. It's a very good creation of western food ingredients presented in a way of Chinese din sum. Even the typical Mandarin food box revealed the smells of Chinese or Orient. Appreciated by the idea and effort they put on.
One bite jelly olive: one bite olive flavor jelly. it's not common, at least for me. The taste was not too much strong, but still refreshed.
Finally, we didn't order dessert. The waiter was right, we were full already. But they offered chocolate, again for free. There are four chocolate balls, two with truffle and two regular. The chocolates were rich and creamy. You shouldn't doubt the quality of Mandarin's dessert. The truffle chocolate got intense truffle flavor, tasted really good. I like it even I'm not a chocolate fan. Not only four chocolate balls, but the cello was eatable as well, a very big one actually. I doubt who can eat it up after having the main course earlier. Anyways, Mandarin is so generous. But I got a concern here. Since few of customer can finish this big chocolate cello, but they probably touch it. How to deal with the leftover? Throw them away? Sort of eco-unfriendliness. Reprocessing? Is that hygienic?

Overall, it's always delightful experience in MO. The food, the service and the atmosphere were all great. The high value added dishes made the dinner even better. I did have a great time with mom that night. Thanks!

Oct 20, 2012

My First Homemade Pizza! Yummy!

Last weekend, made my first Margherita Pizza at home. Everything was made by myself - pizza dough, tomato sauce together with fresh mozzarella and basil leaves. How couldn't be good?

Honest, the dough could be thiner. The all others were good. Great tomato sauce with my own recipe. Fresh mozzarella is always good and basil leaves was good as well.

Here the photos. The melting cheese was so tempting. Wanna make it again soon, it could be better.

Oct 15, 2012

Junior's Cheesecake - 我心目中Cheesecake的標準

吃過light brunch,肚子不算太飽,仍有空間,便坐地鐵回time square去Junior's吃cheesecake,又或者我潛意識裏早就預留了位置給它,是brunch的一部分?這間Junior's只是分店,但位置極好,很容易找,所以每次都是貪方便去這裡吃。美國的食物分量很大,再加上cheesecake本身已很heavy,一個slice的cheesecake足以我一頓晚餐,所以根據以往的經驗,今次要了strawberry cheese Pie, 和cheesecake的分別就是去掉三分之一的cheesecake,換以fresh strawberry with jam,這麽一來,分量相對少了三分之一,不至於貪嘴而對腸胃造成太大負擔。

無論何種cheesecake,下面那typical new york cheesecake才是重點,是典型的重口味pure cheesecake,和香港大多數口感似mousse cheesecake是天壤之別。Junior's的cheesecake質地厚重,口味濃郁,但非常純淨和香滑,每一口都一場飽滿和豐腴,是只能慢慢品,沒辦法吃的很快的那種。上面的topping都很新鮮,也傳承了美式食品的重口味-很甜。這個cheese pie的好處就在於有大顆新鮮的strawberry綜合所有的濃重,jam我濾去不吃了,怕太膩。
Junior's在time square的蛋糕店,還有coffee和其他飲品供應,我通常都會買杯咖啡,調劑cheesecake的甜味。蛋糕店的戶外有幾張餐台和椅子,因爲多數本地人都是買了拎走,所以很多時候還是有空位可以坐下來慢慢享用的。蛋糕店旁邊是Junior's的餐廳,類似cheesecake factory,有蛋糕,也有其他美式餐食供應,價格也算合理,如果想正餐連同蛋糕作點品一起,真是很不錯的選擇。
New York City當然還有其他很出色的cheesecake shop,Junior's的總店相信也更具特色,使我下次去NYC的目標。但對於大多數普通遊客,Junior's time square的位置很是太方便,價格也合理,所以如果去到Manhattan,真的建議一試,怕口味太重不習慣,建議買cheese pie,或者兩個人分享一塊也夠了。
Blueberry Cheesecake

Raspberry Swirl

Cherry Cheesecake

Oct 10, 2012

Hundred Acres - Relaxing Sunday Brunch!


從Upper west side坐地鐵往downtown方去Hundred Acres,這傢餐廳位于soho,兩年前和朋友去過,氛圍輕鬆,典型的美式酒吧加餐廳格局,多數人brunch都是要來杯酒的。我實在不是好酒之人,還是吃個簡單的美式pancake好了。
Buttermilk pancake with homemade wild raspberry sauce:pancake煎得鬆軟,buttermilk香氣十足,raspberry sauce有較強的酸甜口感,但又覺得很清新。可能因爲更多是Bar的關係,這裡的pancake不像typical餐廳那麽大分量,難得有一次在美國我可以把一盤食物全部吃完,也已經夠飽了。orange juice新鮮搾出,加冰塊飲用令人神清氣爽!



Oct 9, 2012

John's Pizzeria - Typical NY Style Pizza

John's Pizzera是出名的地道紐約pizza,加上地理位置優越,價格又不貴,每次到時代廣場或者Broadway都會來此報道。當然,等位是難免的了,雖然餐廳面積很大,但客人也真是很多,new yorker或者遊客都有。
Margherita: $17.25
餐廳裏建有一個很大的磚窯用來烘烤pizza,十足意大利風格。雖説是NY Style,但光是pizza餅底就看到意式pizza的影子,中間薄周邊厚,配料簡單,Fresh mozzarella cheese, fresh basil and tomato sauce, 是最簡潔有最經典的pizza。而分量更是不用擔心,圖片只是一個slice, $17.25的整個pizza有6 slices;大size有8 slices,只是$19.5美金。

Garlic Bread: Half Loaf $6.75
White loaf上滿滿一層melted mozzarella cheese,喜歡cheese的我對於這種毫不吝嗇自然很是滿足,麵包微暖,半融化的mozzarella淡淡香味,不會蓋過garlic的香味。簡簡單單的麵包都可以很美味!
Fried Calamari: $11.5
麵粉裹得輕薄均勻,炸到酥脆,已經慮油,不會太過油膩;calamari新鮮爽脆。油炸食物本事已經夠風味,對於我加一點black pepper已經足夠滋味,但marinara sauce也是讓人難以抗拒啊,只是淺嚐一點,就可以嘗到tomato, garlic和hurbs的各種滋味,和calamari真是相得益彰。

食物美味不在話下,但環境就真的比較吵鬧,不適合聊天。門口又很多客人在等位,對於身在香港的我們當然很清楚這種滋味,所以我們吃完也就速速結賬走人了。但總的來說,還是很滿足的一餐,價格也適宜,在Time Square算很抵食!以後再到Manhattan,還是會來光顧的。

Oct 5, 2012

Norma's - Best Egg Benedict!

借者到美國出差的機會,又一次到訪紐約。之前在美讀書,已經來過幾次,各大地標已經踩遍,這次主要來看望好友,然後紐約對我有永恆吸引力的,就是Broadway Musical了。之前她離港到美國定居,我們都不知下次相聚會在何時,但機緣巧合,大年年后我就有機會公幹來美,雖然工作繁忙,從芝加哥過來周末兩天一夜的行程也頗趕,但縱是一定要來的,因爲能在大洋彼岸相聚實在太難得。
周六,坐了最早一班機飛過來,想多點時間相聚,雖然要辛苦自己起個大早。朋友開車到機場接我,這麽多年來,第一次有人接機,感覺真不錯,呵呵!我選了Norma's吃brunch,行程倉促沒有訂位,大約11點半到達,但要2個小時后才有位,這麽popular的餐廳,實屬正常。天氣不錯,去MOMA,Fifth Ave.隨便逛了一會兒回來,終于有位可以坐下享用relaxing weekend brunch,最重要能和好友重聚,更是開心。

Omelete是我最愛,不過之前已經吃過,這次選了Eggs Benedict。最合我心意是最下層用Buttermilk Pancake 而不是Muffin(因爲我不喜歡吃muffin,所以不太吃egg benedict,但這一變化徹底改變了egg benedict給我的印象),layered with Canadian Bacon and Grilled Asparagus,bacon香脆,而且口感不油膩,asparagus grill恰到好處,已經熟了但仍保有清脆的口感。The eggs were perfectly poached,fresh ranged eggs以及老道的火候時間掌握,缺一不可。這應該是我吃過最完美的poached eggs了。我不喜歡那種只會流得到處都是的傾瀉,半凝固的那種慾動還流是我最喜歡的。蛋黃仍然是流動的,但不肆意,好控制,不用倉促地把流得到處都是的蛋黃放入口中,如同ice cream般的凝動,讓你可以慢慢享受蛋的美味。想要加點其他食物一起體驗混合的味感,悉聽尊便,它是流動的,卻又停在那裏,大可不慌不忙地享用。Fingerling potatos也是grill到剛好,口感綿軟又不糊爛。Best egg benedict I've ever had! 如果你到曼哈頓,真的推薦過來嘗一嘗,雖然要將近30美金(包括tips),但真的值得一試。

這裡等位時間長,坐下來等上菜時間也不短,我的egg benedict等了足足45分鐘,中間問過一次,但waiter很有禮貌的說因爲新鮮製作,客人衆多,就是要等那麽久。這倒也好,讓我和好友多聊一陣,orange juice和coffee不像香港以杯計價,大可慢慢享用新鮮及溫熱。

Sep 23, 2012

Italian Meatball Day!

Recently I start being obsess about cooking, Italian cuisine specifically. Nowadays, it's really easy to get information you want, as the same for cooking information. Recipes, TV cooking shows, cooking videos... Thanks for Jamie Oliver, Cake Boss Buddy and other TV chefs, I really learn a lot. It's really wonderful experience of learning a nation's culture by their foods and cooking ways.

Last weekend, I made meatballs with Pounds together. I definitely had a lot of fun. Yes, it's very very important who you cook for or cook with, and who you have meal with. Luckily, I did all of these with the right person which made the experience perfect.

This meatball actually was part of my first Sunday Gravy. Since it's the first time, I consider it a trial. Meatball was the most important part, and Pounds helped and we made it together. The meatball recipe was mixed Jamie Oliver, Buddy and my own preferred flavors. They were turn out very good, at least for amateur to make it for the first time. Actually I do think I get talent for cooking, lol!

Now, pictures are coming, which demonstrate, not everything, but a lot!